Discover our job in pictures!

HATOM Pylone

Hatom Pylone works alongside you to study, calculate and dimension the elements of your structure.

HATOM Telecom

Hatom Telecom takes care of all telecom issues. Engineering, project management assistance, project management, installation, commissioning, maintenance...

HATOM Integration

Hatom Integration focuses on the integration of telephone antennas into the landscape using radio-transparent materials and rehabilitation in the construction industry.

HATOM Serrurerie

Hatom Serrurerie produces their own industrial metal parts in-house to reduce the carbon footprint and promote MADE IN FRANCE.

A multi-purpose group

Our jobs cannot be improvised. Sometimes, a picture helps to better visualize our wide technical scope...
Even if everything is not here, this photo gallery allows you to discover you to discover the extent of our skills through some of our projects. Do not hesitate to contact us by phone or by e-mail to determine together your specifications and to move towards YOUR technical solution and YOUR visual. We will take the time to answer and agree on a first meeting.